Last time we have shared with you how to stop condensation and prevent mildew appearance. However, if these fungi have already taken your home, it is essential to treat the affected areas as soon as possible. Choosing appropriate cleaning method and product is necessary if you want to prevent mildew from appearing again. Here are three easy and efficient ways to kill the bacteria causing mould in the most common places in your home.

Bathroom Tiles and Grout

Humidity provides the perfect conditions for bacterial growth. That is why the bathroom tiles, grout, as well as the corners are among the most common places to find mildew and mould. Fortunately, cleaning the bathroom is easy and doesn’t require expensive tools and products. Mix 5 litres of water and 1 cup of chlorine bleach and apply onto the bathroom tiles with a sponge. Leave the solution for 10 minutes, then scrub grout, corners, and crevices with a stiff brush. Rinse the whole bathroom with clean water and leave the door open to let it dry completely. Always wear mask and gloves when cleaning with chlorine.

Read also: 7 Dangerous Home Cleaning Products – Part 1

Fridge and Kitchen

Our fridges, as well as all the places where we prepare and store food, are susceptible to the development of foul odours and bacterial growth due to bacteria coming from the products. Humidity in the kitchen is another factor for mildew appearance. However, using harsh chemicals when cleaning mould from kitchen surfaces and refrigerators is not a good option. Instead, you can use hydrogen peroxide to kill harmful bacteria causing mildew. Apply directly onto the affected surfaces with a sponge, then wipe with a clean towel. Let the fridge dry and aerate for a while, before storing food.

Check also:7 Dangerous Home Cleaning Products – Part 2

Clothes and Bed Linens

When you forget your gym clothes in the bag for a week, or a wet laundry in the washing machine for a few days you will notice the smell funny, which is one of the first sign of bacterial growth. There can even be some surface mildew spots. You can save your garments and linens, with the following method if you act fast. First, hang the affected clothes to dry completely. It is best if there is a sun and you leave them for a day so the fabric can aerate well. If not, you can hang them in your bathroom with the bathroom fan running. After this, wash the whites with bleach in the highest temperature setting. Coloured clothes can be pre-soaked with non-chlorine bleach for half hour, and then placed in the washing machine. Add 1 cup of baking soda to the laundry detergent and turn the temperature on as high setting as possible.

Read also: Check our stain removal tips and deal with any kind of dirty laundry

3 Green Alternatives for Mildew Cleaning

Here are a few mould removal substances you can safely use at home:
Tea Tree Oil – The essential oil is a potent natural antibacterial substance. You can rub wood floors and furniture with it after cleaning the surface mildew to prevent re-appearance of mould.

Borax – Borax is a great alternative to bleach if you have respiratory problems. This natural substance is toxic if swallow, but doesn’t emit toxic fumes. You can use it for bathroom tiles, or add ½ cup of it to your laundry.

Vinegar – This mild acid can be quite useful as a mould and mildew cleaner as it can kill most species of the bacteria causing the problem. You can use undiluted white vinegar for your kitchen and fridge instead of hydrogen peroxide.

Read also: How to Make Your Home a Healthier Place

Don’t hesitate to call us and book our wonderful team if you need reliable domestic cleaners in London.